The Basics Of The Women’s Health Abs Diet
Posted by Jerald Taylor on Monday, August 31, 2009

The entire fitness world is buzzing about the Women’s Health Abs Diet. This popular diet was actually first published in Men’s Health and then adapted for its sister magazine Women’s Health. These magazines are the pinnacles of health information, and you know you can trust tips and tricks that come from these sources.
The Women’s Health Abs Diet is an effective plan for getting your total body in shape. Why do you need a plan? Because you want to maximize your fat loss and create muscle each day so you can take a step closer to your ideal body.
And this plan works!
The basics of the Women’s Health Ab Diet are simple. In order to get your abs in top condition, you must burn fat. There’s no way of getting around that.
In order to burn fat, you have to stimulate your metabolism. You do this by toning your muscles and replacing fat with muscle.
Did you know that by replacing just one pound of fat with an equal pound of muscle would help you burn an extra 150 calories everyday?
You’ll burn those calories each day without even trying.
In order to build muscle, you need to emphasize all parts of your body…not just the abs. Why? Because your body is not a robot with different components and parts. All of your muscles work together to create your sleek physique. When you emphasize just one portion, you’ll be denying yourself a proper, balanced work out.
This is where the term “compound exercises” comes in. The exercises involve several different muscle groups so your body is working as one unit to tighten muscles and burn fat.
Remember, in order for your body to be as fit as possible, you must work all of your major muscle groups together. The Women’s Health abs diet exercises make your workout more fun, more challenging and increases the demands on your muscles.
All of this leads to a tighter, leaner stomach in less time!
After all, no one wants to spend their whole day exercising. Celebrities can afford to do it…but we live in the real world. We want real results, real fast. And the Women’s health abs diet exercises can do that.
The key is in getting the most out of every workout. The workouts are short, focused and powerful. It’s no doubt that you’ll be feeling and seeing the effects of this workout in no time at all!